Category Archives: Featured

Dundee Historian wins Local History Prize!

The Centre for Scottish Culture was delighted to learn that our History Lecturer, Dr Allan Kennedy, has been awarded the inaugural Birlinn Prize for Scottish Local History! The prize is awarded annually to the best paper published in the journal Scottish Local History. Allan’s paper, which was named-joint winner, is entitled ‘Cromwell’s Highland Stronghold: The

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Scottish History Quizzes

Our steering-committee member, Dr Allan Kennedy, has created a series of unique Scottish History quizzes. Intended initially to help keep people distracted and entertained during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, these quizzes have built up into a unique resource to test and expand your Scottish History knowledge. The quizzes are completely free for public access via,

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The Scottish Privy Council, 1692-1708

  The Centre for Scottish Culture has partnered with the University of Stirling for a major, three-year research project entitled ‘The Scottish Privy Council, 1692-1708: Government from Revolution to Union’.   Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, the Scottish Privy Council Project will research one of the most important institutional branches of Scottish government in the

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Scottish Heroes & Villains Month

(advanced notice) This October The Centre for Scottish Culture at Dundee and its partners present “Scottish Heroes & Villains Month”. Through a series of academic and creative word-and-image events we will explore the role and impact of real-life and fictional Scottish heroes and villains, from Wallace to Ossian, Dr Jekyll to Saltire, Scotland’s First Superhero.

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Devolution and Global Governance

In partnership with the Scottish Centre for Global History, the Centre for Scottish Culture will begin a new postgraduate programme in September 2014. The MLitt in Devolution and Global Governance follows on from Dundee’s successful 5 Million Questions project and will expand on the lessons learned, and the questions still to be answered, from the

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Waverley at 200

In order to launch The Centre for Scottish Culture, on 22 March 2014 we hosted Waverley at 200, a one-day symposium in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the publication of Sir Walter Scott’s debut novel. We brought together prominent speakers from across Scotland working in a range of disciplines, such as Literature, Scottish History,

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Rethinking Arts and the Highlands

Tuesday 15th April 2014,  6-7pm The McManus: Dundee’s Art Gallery and Museum, Meadowside, Dundee DD1 1DA Rethinking Arts and the Highlands With Prof Murdo MacDonald, University of Dundee The Scottish Highlands have given rise to one of the great oral, literary and musical cultures of the world, but the visual aspect of that Gaelic

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Waverley 200

The Centre for Scottish Culture proudly presents a one-day symposium in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the publication of Sir Walter Scott’s debut novel, Waverley. We have brought together prominent speakers in a range of disciplines, such as Literature, Scottish History, the History of the Book, Art History, and Politics. More details, including the

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